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Sue loves…travelling: an unexpected encounter in Firenze

In: Lifestyle
21. Juli 2012 by Susan Fengler

In three weeks I have been to Berlin, Pisa, Florence and London. I find travelling extremely exciting and fulfilling and am very happy that I already had the chance to explore our world a little in the past years. My trip to Tuscany with my boyfriend was my first vacation in Italy and I have …

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Italy in New York City

In: New York City
13. April 2012 by Susan Fengler

This summer I will go to Italy for the first time. However, I have been to “Little Italy” quite often in the past. My styleranking column this week is all about Pizza, Pasta and Vintage Shopping in Little Italy, New York. — Diesen Sommer fliege ich zum ersten Mal nach Italien (ich freue mich schon …

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